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OKD Install on AWS provider with UPI

Steps to install OKD/OCP clusters in AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure, with Ansible as IaaC to provision the infrastructure.

Build-in Use Cases

The use cases described below are re-using playbooks changing the variables for each goal.

Feel free to look into the Makefile and create your own customization re-using the playbooks to install k8s/okd/openshift clusters.

Prepare the environment

Export the environment variables used to create the cluster

  • {}
cat <<EOF> .env-aws
export CONFIG_CLUSTER_REGION=us-east-1
export CONFIG_PLATFORM_SPEC={\'region\':\'us-east-1\'}
export CONFIG_PULL_SECRET_FILE=/home/mtulio/.openshift/pull-secret-latest.json
export CONFIG_SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/"

source ./.env-aws

Load it:

source .env

Check if all required variables has been set:

ansible-playbook  mtulio.okd_installer.config \
    -e mode=check-vars \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}

Create or customize the openshift-install binary

Check the Guide Install the openshift-install binary if you aren't set or would like to customize the cluster version.


To generate the install config, you must set variables (defined above) and the cluster_name:

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.config \
    -e mode=create \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}

Network Stack

Create the network stack

  • Create the network stack with default variables
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.stack_network \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}
  • (optional/alternative) Create the network stack with custom variables file (AWS edge example)
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.stack_network \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e var_file=${OKD_COLLECTION_PATH}/playbooks/vars/aws/networks/aws-use1-edge-full.yaml
  • (optional/alternative) A more customizaded environment variable setting the CIDR block:
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.stack_network \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e var_file=${PWD}/vars/networks/aws-use1-single-AZ-peer.yaml \
    -e resource_prefix=singleaz \
    -e cidr_block_16= -e cidr_prefix_16=10.100

IAM Stack

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.stack_iam \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}

DNS Stack

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.stack_dns \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}

Load Balancer Stack

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.stack_loadbalancer \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}

Compute Stack

  • Create the Bootstrap Node
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.create_node \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e role=bootstrap
  • Create the Control Plane nodes
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.create_node \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e role=controlplane
  • Create the Compute nodes
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.create_node \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e role=compute

Single Execution (create-all)

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.create_all \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e certs_max_retries=3 \
    -e cert_wait_interval_sec=60

Approve certificates

The create_all already trigger the certificates approval with one default timeout. If the nodes was not yet joined to the cluster (oc get nodes) or still have pending certificates (oc get csr) due the short delay for approval, you can call it again with longer timeout:

  • Approve the certificates (default execution)
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.approve_certs \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}
  • Change the intervals to check (example 5 minutes)
ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.approve_certs \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME} \
    -e certs_max_retries=3 \
    -e cert_wait_interval_sec=10

Destroy cluster

ansible-playbook mtulio.okd_installer.destroy_cluster \
    -e provider=${CONFIG_PROVIDER} \
    -e cluster_name=${CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME}