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Ansible Collection okd_installer

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, it is not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

Ansible Collection to install OKD/OpenShift clusters with customization.

See next:


The okd_install Ansible Collection was designed to be distributed and easier to implement and deploy infrastructure resources required for OKD Installation, reusing the existing resources (modules and roles) from the Ansible community, implementing only the OKD specific roles, packaging together all required dependencies (external Ansible Roles and modules).

The infrastructure provisioning is distributed into Stacks, then the Playbooks responsible to orchestrate the Stack provisioning, sends the correct user-provided variables to the Roles, which interacts with Cloud Provider API through oficial Ansible Modules. In general there is one Ansible Role for each stack. The Ansible Roles for Infrastructure stacks are not OKD specific, so it can be reused in other cloud infra provisioning projects, allowing more flexibility to be maintained by the community. The topologies for each Roles are defined as variables included on OKD Ansible Collection to satisfy valid cluster topologies.

For example, these are the components used on AWS to provision the Network Stack (VPC):

  • Playbook playbooks/vars/aws/stack_network.yaml implements the orchestration to create the VPC and required resources (Subnets, Nat and Internet Gateways, security groups, etc), then calls the Ansible Role cloud_network
  • Var file playbooks/vars/aws/network.yaml: Defines the topology of the Network declaring the variable cloud_networks (required by role cloud_network). Can be replaced when setting var_file
  • Ansible Role cloud_network: Resolve the dependencies and create the resources using community/vendor Ansible Modules, according the cloud_networks definition.
  • Ansible modules from Community/Vendor: it is distributed as Collection. For AWS the and are used inside the Ansible Role cloud_network


That collection distribute a set of Ansible Roles and Playbooks used to provision the OKD cluster on specific Platform. Some of resources are managed in an external repository to keep it reusable, easy to maintain, and improve. The external resources are included as Git modules and updated once it needed (is validated).


External Roles (included as Git modules/fixed version):

Internal Roles:

  • okd_bootstrap
  • okd_cluster_destroy
  • okd_install_clients
  • okd_installer_config


Playbooks distributed on this Ansible Collection:

  • playbooks/config.yaml
  • playbooks/create_node.yaml
  • playbooks/destroy_cluster.yaml
  • playbooks/install_clients.yaml
  • playbooks/ping.yaml
  • playbooks/stack_dns.yaml
  • playbooks/stack_loadbalancer.yaml
  • playbooks/stack_iam.yaml
  • playbooks/stack_network.yaml

Integrated Cloud Provider

The matrix below shows the status of the Ansible Collection okd-installer integration* with the Cloud Provider and the installation Type:

Platform/Install Type IPI UPI Agnostic**
AWS No Yes Yes
Azure No No No
GCP No No No
AlibabaCloud No No No
IBMCloud No No No
DigitalOcean* -- -- No'
Vultr -- -- No'
Ionos -- -- No'
  • No: Provider is supported by OKD/OCP and not integrated on the Ansible Collection okd-installer
  • No': Provider is not supported by OKD/OCP and not integrated with Ansible Collection okd-installer
  • Yes: Provider is supported by OKD/OCP and integrated on the Ansible Collection okd-installer
  • Yes': Provider is not supported by OKD/OCP and integrated on the Ansible Collection okd-installer
  • --: The provider is not supported by OKD/OCP (Only Agnostic Available)

Provider integrated with Ansible Collection okd-installer. This integration is not related with OKD Platform integartion. *Agnostic installation means that OKD there's no native integration with the Platform.


  • Python 3.8 or later
  • Ansible 6 or later

Quick Install

Install ansible and dependencies:

pip install -r hack/requirements.txt

Clone the project

ansible-galaxy collection install mtulio.okd_installer


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To get started you can:

  • Review the documentation
  • Open Issues describing the problem you find into details
  • Open Issues describing the new feature
  • Open the PR with the change porposal